Section: Research Program

Logic-based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

We follow the mainstream logic-based approach to the KR domain. First-order logic (FOL) is the reference logic in KR and most formalisms in this area can be translated into fragments (i.e., particular subsets) of FOL. This is in particular the case for description logics and existential rules, two well-known KR formalisms studied in the team.

A large part of research in this domain can be seen as studying the trade-off between the expressivity of languages and the complexity of (sound and complete) reasoning in these languages. The fundamental problem in KR languages is entailment checking: is a given piece of knowledge entailed by other pieces of knowledge, for instance from a knowledge base (KB)? Another important problem is consistency checking: is a set of knowledge pieces (for instance the knowledge base itself) consistent, i.e., is it sure that nothing absurd can be entailed from it? The ontology-mediated query answering problem is a topical problem (see Section 3.3). It asks for the set of answers to a query in the KB. In the case of Boolean queries (i.e., queries with a yes/no answer), it can be recast as entailment checking.